Wednesday, February 23, 2011


    This weekend I went to the Roller Derby. It was like going to another world. I have struggled all week to find the words to describe the experience.
     The names the players choose for themselves are puns and word plays often based on pop culture. Tattoos were common and the helmets were well decorated. Some wore elaborate makeup. And there were costumes. My best guess is that in the photo below the girl on the left is a slab of bacon, but that could just be me.
    After throwing away the photos that were out of focus or just plain no good I still had 571 that were keepers. So I decided to make a link to a slide show so that you could see what it was like.
    I am totally psyched about this experience and I hope you enjoy my photos. Feel free to leave comments.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm babysitting lol

    Last night I had my first babysitting job since the 9th grade. I think it went pretty well. His name is Jacob. He cries sometimes but all babies do that. He pees a lot. He's pretty cool. The parents were nice. Jobs like this don't pay much but they let me eat anything I wanted and they have a nice TV. It was okay. I'll probably do it again if they ask me.
    Click to hear Jake talk.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Go Fly a Flag

    These guys have a tough job! On this January morning it was 45 degrees with winds of 5 mph, which doesn't sound like much of a breeze until you imagine yourself in a bucket suspended 80 feet above Mother Earth.
    I don't know if they were replacing the flag or untangling it. I do know that they were there several hours and that when I magnify the photo I can see that they have raised or removed a panel from the pole, exposing the "guts" of the pole. It also appears that they have a tether running from the bucket to the ground, possibly to prevent swaying and swinging.
    I had to try several highway exits to get a clear shot of these guys. I did not notice the "Don't Put Your Life on the Line...." sign until much later. I think it adds a little to the shot, don't you?