Have you heard people say that you should not see foxes out and about in the daytime? Don't believe them. This one was trotting along at 9:45 am and he is not the first one I have seen at this time of day.
He was probably hunting for food to feed the family as both male and female foxes share in that responsibility.
Foxes aren't picky about what they eat either. They will eat small mammals, birds, eggs, insects, vegetables or fruit. Their food pyramid must look pretty odd.
This fox stood still for about a minute and a half. It is very unusual to get to see one for that long as they are very wary and have lightning fast reflexes. A fox once spun around and raced away so fast that I heard his feet hitting the road. If you weighed 8 lbs and were running in your bare feet how fast might you have to run for someone to hear your feet strike the ground?
Soon a little breeze came along, his nose quivered once and he was gone. If I am ever in this situation again I am going to mew like a little lost baby mammal and see if he can be lured a little closer.
Foxes live about five years. It would be cool if this is the same fox I photographed with my first camera in 2006.
This has got to go in a frame!
ReplyDeleteThat's one of the things I love about photography. I can put this fox on a wall and share photos in so many ways. I'm not against others enjoying hunting but If I killed animals......not so much fun to share.