Sunday, May 9, 2010

One Hundred and Fifty Five

In the Smoky Mountains there is a waterfall that one has to climb 155 steps to see. Not easy if you are too proud to stop and catch your breath!
After elbowing my way in among many others to photograph the waterfall my pictures were nothing to brag about. Just another waterfall. Disappointed, I left the viewing area and noticed another photographer working in the creek below. When I looked at the LCD on the back of his camera I said, "Oh look! A cat!"
He had been so busy photographing the scene he had not noticed that the rocks and the water formed a cat's face and whiskers.
As soon as he was done I set up my tripod and took my own photo.
Some people see an old man or a baby in the area below the cat's nose. What do you see?


  1. I've just sent the link to 3 photographer friends.

  2. I love this blog Liz! The photographs are wonderful and the stories make me laugh. You are really talented!
