Don't you hate it when you lose stuff? It makes me nuts!
I lost my spare camera battery last week. I don't know how it happened. I charged it fully. I returned the charger to its proper place. The little plastic cover that protects the battery's metal contacts was not on the counter. That meant that after removing the battery from the charger and putting the charger away I had replaced the plastic cover on the battery, and then put the battery.........where?
I retraced my movements over and over again in my mind. I could not for the life of me remember anything past the point where I removed the battery from the charger.
I looked everywhere. The more I looked the more it got on my nerves that I couldn't find it. I made myself late for work one day because I could not stop looking. Then I was grouchy because I couldn't find my battery and because I was running late.
I was sure it could not have left the master bed/bath area. I resolved to tear those rooms apart bit by bit until I found it.
Maybe it had fallen down amongst the clutter on the closet floor. I removed everything from the closet floor and got down on my hands and knees to look. I found some dust bunnies. But no battery.
Maybe I had swept it into a drawer. I emptied out the three most likely drawers. I found a lot of stuff that needed to be thrown away or given away. But no battery.
Honey Bunny even tried to help. He opened some drawers and rumbled around in them a bit. Instead of being appreciative I muttered things like "I already looked there," and "I wouldn't have put it there." H. B. wisely exited the bedroom.
I had recently purchased a new camera bag and I had not moved all of my meager camera gear from the old bag to the new. Maybe this was a clue. I looked in the old and the new bags. Three times. One of the times I used a flashlight to reveal every corner of the black bags. No battery.
After a week of this insanity I went into the new camera bag for a lens. I looked once more for the missing battery. Silly idea. I was obsessed with this problem.
There it was. Right there. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to touch it before I could accept the fact of its existence.
I think this could be the work of a Leprechaun!
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