Honey Bunny walked down to the barn today to turn out the horses. He carried his big stick with him. Because, as you know, snakes are a big threat this time of year.
When he returned Kira barked at him loudly. I thought it was just because she didn't recognize him. I watched out the window as he approached closer and closer, carrying his big stick but not waving it around. Kira became more and more alarmed with each step he took.
As he ducked under the fence behind the house he spoke to her and I saw her body language change. Her tail wagged and her ears went into a relaxed posture. But still she barked and backed toward the house.
Finally she ran onto the porch, ducking behind he porch furniture to protect herself from Stick Man. I reached the porch door as she scratched at it frantically. When I opened it she practically fell into the house.
I don't know anything about Kira's past and I don't want to read too much into today's behavior. But I couldn't hide the emotion in my voice tonight as I laid a hand on her side and promised her that nobody would EVER hit her with a stick.